Dental Crowns

Why do people suffer from missing teeth?

In this day and age it has become very common to come across a person who has suffered or is suffering from missing teeth. In fact, statistics show that missing teeth affect one in three people in the UK. So what causes missing teeth? Our diet and lifestyle choices play a major role in determining the condition of our teeth. In addition the level of oral hygiene plays an important part too. Even more common is to have damaged teeth.


Crowns and bridges Wimbledon are the more popular choices to replace missing or damaged  teeth. If you are looking to have treatment done to replace missing or damaged teeth then look no further than Wimbledon Dental Care where we hire trained professionals and members of staff who are able to deal with all your specific needs and requirements in a friendly, approachable and positive manner.

What is a crown?

A crown is a cap that is placed on top of a broken or damaged tooth with the intention of giving it the support that it requires which it is unable to receive from a filling. Essentially a patient would opt for a crown after they have tried using a filling and if this has failed to do the job correctly.

What do crowns look like?

This is a question that we often get asked and you will be surprised when you find out that a crown essentially looks the same as the top of a tooth. It is white in colour and is designed to merge beautifully and seamlessly with the rest of the teeth.

The purpose of the crown is to provide the damaged tooth with support and restore the shape and size of the tooth and to improve the tooth’s appearance.

There are different types of crowns and which crown you opt for will be discussed at your initial consultation. Crowns are either made of metal, porcelain, ceramic or resin. People nowadays opt for either porcelain or ceramic due to the fact that these materials are more similar in colour to natural teeth and therefore provide a seamless finish. It is particularly beneficial for people who want to be discreet about the treatments they have had done. Crowns and bridges Wimbledon are readily available and, therefore, if you feel that you are in need of this service then contact our dentist now.

How to care for crowns and bridges

Once you have had your crowns and bridges Wimbledon it is important that you look after them to ensure their longevity. Typically crowns are known to last approximately 15 years, but they will require work from you to be able to sustain this. Ensure that you are brushing your teeth twice daily, using mouthwash and also flossing twice daily. This is the perfect combination and will help to ensure that there is no build up of plaque and bacteria around the treatment area. Also ensure that if you are drinking fizzy drinks, coffee or alcohol that you are brushing your teeth thoroughly after these beverages, due to the fact that they can cause staining. Also the sugars from these drinks tend to remain attached to the teeth which leads to further decay.

I wish my smile looked better

We all have many qualms with the way our smile looks. Over time teeth can become broken, weakened and fall victim to decay. This is not something that you need to put up with as solutions can be found in the form of crowns and bridges at our dental practice, Wimbledon Dental Care. You may want to consider the treatment options outlined in this article. We will take you through what a crown and bridge are, how they are fitted and how they function. We will also run you through how to properly care for your smile, once you have had one of these elements fitted.


What is a crown?

A crown is a type of dental restoration that is used to fix teeth that have been broken, teeth that over time have been weakened by decay or teeth that are in need of a very large filling. The crown is sculpted to fit over the remaining part of the tooth you are looking to repair. This makes the new tooth strong and helps the tooth appear similar to those around it. Special care is taken to make sure that this new tooth looks like those around it by being carefully coloured and matched to the remaining original teeth you have. This way, to other people your smile will look uninterrupted. Crowns and bridges Wimbledon could be a good remedy for those looking to improve the look of their smile by having some expertly matched crowns fixed. Crowns can also be used as a protective measure. For example, if you have had a root canal treatment you will need a crown to allow your teeth to be fit for purpose.

What is a bridge?

If you are considering crowns and bridges Wimbledon, but you need more extensive assistance then a bridge could be your solution. Bridges have a precious metal base making them stronger and with a solid structure, to allow your teeth to act as the teeth they are destined to be. If you do require a bridge to be incorporated into your smile, you can be assured that your teeth will look like real teeth, through the porcelain layer that is added to the base. A bridge can make your smile look complete and allow you to chew with ease. Some bridges can be incorporated into the dental implant treatment that we offer. This can be used when you have several teeth in the same area of your mouth that are missing. The dental implant itself is a screw that is fitted at the site of the jaw, the bridge will then be fixed on top of the implant. You should read on to the next section to see how to care for your new smile.

How do I care for my new smile?

Once you have had your crowns and bridges Wimbledon fitted then you will need to make sure that you take good care of your oral health. You need to keep up a thorough oral hygiene routine and make sure you attend your six-monthly check-ups. Our dentist will always be on hand to make certain that you understand how to use the best techniques to keep your smile happy and healthy. They will be available to answer any questions that you have and will always make you feel comfortable about the condition of your smile.

What are the advantages to choosing crowns and bridges?

When it comes to prescribing suitable dental solutions such as crowns and bridges Wimbledon to solve damaged or missing teeth issues, we at Wimbledon Dental Care factor in your needs, goals and concerns.


Two teeth restoration treatments – crowns and bridges Wimbledon have long stood the test of time to prove themselves reliable tooth restoration solutions that give patients back the practicalities of a fully functioning mouth, as well as other desirables such as improved confidence when engaging with others. Many of our patients who have received crowns and bridges Wimbledon have seen their quality of living greatly improved. They are once again able to enjoy eating out with others, having more teeth allows them to enjoy all their much-loved foods and smiling wide infectious smiles triggers the happiness effect.

We take a closer look at some of the advantages of these tooth restoration solutions so you can best understand why they are still relied on by dental practitioners to serve patients’ needs.

Factors that promote dental crowns as a viable solution

Natural tooth-like appearance

Where possible the option to choose a tooth restoration solution that closely resembles the look of natural teeth will make for a better choice. And thanks to the availability of dental crowns the natural look is easily achieved.

A look at the design of dental crowns shows how this is possible – the crown or cap as it is also known fits securely over the tooth, hiding its imperfections. This design allows crowns to be used for a variety of dental issues including tooth discolouration and fractured teeth, as well as used to secure bridges and dentures.

Durable design

The durability of a dental crown promotes its favourability with dental practitioners and patients alike. Provided that they take good care of them, crowns save patients money by not having to be replaced every so often.

The protective nature of crowns

Seeing that dental caps fit securely over the tooth, there is less likelihood of the tooth being vulnerable to plaque. In addition to this, damaged teeth that have crowns placed over them are protected from further damage.

Factors that promote dental bridges as a viable solution

Versatile tooth restoration solution

For patients who have a greater number of missing teeth, a dental bridge may be a better solution to restore their oral health. Bridges can also be used to replace a missing single tooth.

Improves speech function

Next to enabling patients to bite and chew, a bridge can also aid in a patient speaking with confidence.

Solid structure

Structural integrity is a common concern for patients looking to tooth restoration solutions. The last thing they want is for their dental device to move about in their mouths, which is why the solid structure of dental bridges helps to avoid this concern.

For a dental team where the patient care is placed at the centre of a quality dental experience, look to Wimbledon Dental Care. Our patients can expect to receive dental care plans that are easily understood. We take great care to focus on patient involvement in choosing the best treatment plan that they are comfortable with and this philosophy, together with our commitment to delivering outstanding customer service, is what we believe sets us apart in the industry.

Could you benefit from crowns and bridges? The 4 different types from Wimbledon Dental Care

Many people are familiar with the term ‘bridge’ and the term ‘crown’ when it comes to dentistry.


But, with the invention of cosmetic options like the dental implant, fewer people are approaching their dental team to have a traditional bridge fitted. Or, with the invention of the implant-supported bridge, many patients are seeking this treatment, as a way of combining the two treatments.

However, there are many instances in which dental implants may not be suitable and so, it may be recommended that you have a bridge fitted instead. If you have a jawbone which is damaged or thin, or you have a history of issues such as recurring gum disease, it may be unwise to have an implant fitted. This is where the dental bridge comes in.

At Wimbledon Dental Care, our team sees many patients who have gaps in their teeth who are not suitable for dental implants. And so, we are proud to be able to offer them crowns and bridges in Wimbledon, as a more permanent way to conceal that gap. A more sturdy alternative to dentures, these prosthetics require no glue to hold them in place, and can be fitted easily by our team!

But did you know that there are different types of bridges? Here are 4 of the most common types of crowns and bridges in Wimbledon that our team can offer.


Undoubtedly the most common bridge type, the traditional option involves a false tooth (or teeth) being held in place by dental crowns, which are cemented on to the surrounding natural teeth.

As you may have guessed, this option is only suitable for people who have natural teeth surrounding their gap and, as it is fitted or held in place by the crowns, you also need to have healthy teeth to support them.


If you do not have the required number of teeth to support traditional crowns and bridges in Wimbledon, then our team is likely to suggest a cantilever bridge.

Although this bridge is similar to the traditional one (as it is a false tooth or teeth held in place by a crown), it requires only 1 natural tooth to attach the crown to.

Maryland dental bridge

As mentioned before, a traditional bridge requires 2 teeth surrounding the gap to affix the supporting crown to.

With a Maryland dental bridge, our team will use either a metal or porcelain framework to affix the false teeth to the back of the surrounding teeth, with a bond holding the prosthetics in place. Like the traditional bridge, this is only suitable if you have 2 surrounding natural teeth.

Implant-supported bridge

Briefly mentioned in the introduction, an implant-supported bridge uses the strategic placing of dental implants instead of crowns and frames.

While this newer bridge fitting will require a more lengthy process to attach the implants to your jaw and then to place the bridge on the implants, it is considered the most stable of all the bridges and is therefore very popular.

Getting crowns and bridges in Wimbledon

Tooth restoration is a major part of dentistry and at Wimbledon Dental Care we aim to restore as many of your natural teeth as possible, rather than simply removing and replacing them. Crowns and bridges in Wimbledon offer the best solutions for all types of restoration and we are able to offer you a renewed and restored smile without invasive surgery that requires months of healing. These treatments not only take care of the aesthetics of your smile, but the function of the teeth as well, making them strong and able to perform as they should when it comes to eating and having the added benefit of restoring your confidence.



When are they needed?

Crowns can be used for many reasons, in some cases if a tooth has been weakened from decay and doesn’t need to be removed completely after a root canal is done, a crown may be placed over the top of the tooth in order to strengthen it, thus allowing the root to remain in place. Teeth that have been broken or cracked can be held securely together with a crown and teeth that have been severely worn down – by grinding perhaps – are able to be restored, with crowns, to their proper size and shape once more.

Teeth that have needed large fillings can sometimes lose their size due to having been ground down for the filling to be placed. These teeth can be capped off with a crown to restore their original shape and if there is a missing tooth, crowns can be used on either side of a full false tooth in order to create a bridge.


When are they needed?

In the event that a tooth has to be removed, or is knocked out and cannot be placed back in, bridges can be used to replace that single missing tooth or, indeed, a row of missing teeth. As the name suggests, a bridge of teeth is created to fill a gap. These false teeth sit on top of the gum and not inside it, which is why special care needs to be taken when cleaning the teeth in order to avoid plaque build-up and bad breath. Crowns and bridges in Wimbledon are used together in order to restore the look of a smile and function of a dental arch, which is chiefly chewing food.

Convincing replicas

When getting crowns and bridges in Wimbledon you do not need to worry about your teeth looking fake, only the best dental porcelain is used in the creation of these custom teeth that are made to perfectly match the colour of your other teeth. This is as well as being customised to be the right size and fit so that they are comfortable as well as convincing. Porcelain is used to match the transparency of natural teeth and it is also very strong and will not stain, therefore it is able to restore the look of your smile in order to help you feel more confident about your appearance and raise your self-esteem.

How to best care for crowns and bridges

To protect the function and aesthetic value of crowns and bridges in Wimbledon, it is critical that a patient follow the recommended maintenance guidelines of their dental practitioner. This will serve an additional function of keeping surrounding gums and teeth in a healthy condition and ultimately protect the longevity of crowns and bridges in Wimbledon belonging to our patients.


Although crowns and bridges in Wimbledon are designed to offer a long service life, their actual lifespan will depend on a number of factors.

Some of the more important of these factors are the oral hygiene practices performed at home and the chewing pattern used by the patient. Professional quality dental care is equally important, which includes periodical dental appointments for check-ups (as determined by your dental practitioner). These dental check-ups are necessary in order to identify any red flags that threaten the health of the crowns and bridges. Here we also give guidance on caring for them.

Top at-home care tips for crowns and bridges

Daily oral hygiene practice

Most patients are already familiar with the number one best care method for the preservation of teeth that professional dental practitioners recommend – the twice daily practice of brushing teeth, with one of these times being before going to bed at the end of the day. A soft bristle toothbrush is generally recommended to be used around the crown. The brushing of teeth needs to be further supported by flossing, using dental floss to dislodge trapped food particles from in-between teeth and around and beneath the bridge pontic. Alternatively, patients can make use of an interdental toothbrush or any other dental product that would serve a similar function. Of course dental practitioners prefer patients to brush after each meal but if it is not convenient to do so, then simply rinsing the mouth is the next best thing.

Be careful of food choices for at least the first 24 hours after fitting

It would be best to stay away from chewy foods such as bagels or sweets like liquorice, and crunchy and hard foods like nuts, apples and uncooked carrots as these have the potential to damage dental prostheses.

Another important tip to bear in mind on the day the crown or bridge placement is carried out, is to remember to bite or chew using the side of the mouth that did not receive the crown or bridge. Once the critical first 24 hour period has passed then, unless otherwise instructed, it is considered safe to resume one’s normal eating behaviours.

Seek dental care for loose bridges or crowns that have fallen out

It may happen that a crown or bridge becomes loose and will need to be replaced by a dental practitioner. Timely intervention by the patient is crucial in this regard to protect the underlying tooth.

Be mindful of any swelling or sensitivity following the procedure

Temporary sensitivity in the exposure to hot and cold substances is deemed a normal experience following a procedure, but this should not last too long.

Should you be concerned about any worrying symptoms or have any particular question regarding maintenance of crowns and bridges, you should contact your dentist at our practice, Wimbledon Dental Care

Crowns and bridges

When your teeth are starting to get weak or one or two have even fallen out, you have to start asking yourself about having restorations, either to extend their life or to replace them altogether. Here at Wimbledon Dental Care, we offer crowns and bridges in Wimbledon: two different restorations for different stages of reparation for your teeth.

Crowns and Bridges in WimbledonCrowns

Crowns are like bike helmets. They go on over your teeth to protect and strengthen them. We like to use them when we see that your teeth are getting weak maybe even in danger of splitting, but the root is strong and healthy. Often this is because there is now so much filling in the tooth that the sides of it will be too weak to cope with the forces created by chewing. With a good crown on your tooth, it can last for quite a while longer, at least 10 years and there are people out there who have had the same crowns in place for decades.

When you have a crown fitted, we make sure that it blends in with the rest of your teeth, in colour, shape and size. Once they are made, we grind your tooth down so that we can fit the crown over the top of it.


Fixed bridgework also has crown, but they are designed to replace lost teeth rather than extend the life of weak teeth. If you have up to three teeth in a row that are missing, we can replace them with a bridge. How it works is that we attach the replacement teeth to the neighbouring healthy ones, which we reshape so that they can become buttresses to support the bridge and anchor the replacement teeth in the jawbone.

The replacement teeth are made of dental porcelain and made by skilled craftsmen-technicians. If you have a good photo of your smile, or a set of impressions, we can use them to make your replacement teeth from. Or our technicians can follow your current teeth to get an idea of how to make the new ones look. Bridges need to be replaced every 10 or so years.

Replace your missing teeth with crowns and bridges in Wimbledon

We often fail to acknowledge that teeth function as a whole, therefore, missing one can have consequences for our oral and overall health. In reality, all our 32 teeth work together to help us chew, speak and bite properly. When one of them goes missing, we gradually begin to lose oral function and suffer other health problems. Luckily, modern dentistry has developed considerably in recent years and we now have many options to replace missing teeth.

At Wimbledon Dental Care, we use crowns and bridges to replace one or several missing teeth in a row. Our experienced dentists will help you decide which treatment suits your individual needs.

Replace Missing Teeth in WimbledonWhy you should replace your missing teeth

The most obvious reason to replace missing teeth is aesthetic. Missing teeth can destroy your confidence and stop you smiling and laughing in public. More importantly, missing teeth are responsible for the gradual deterioration of the jawbone and can even lead to further tooth loss, since they allow your healthy teeth to move into the gaps. Finally, teeth play an important role in your diet. With missing teeth, your diet options are very limited and you are unlikely to be able to eat chewy and hard foods such as fruit and vegetables.

Tooth replacement options

If you have a broken, decayed, loose or missing tooth, then crowns are an ideal solution for restoring its function. Crowns essentially fit over the remaining part of the prepared tooth and make it stronger, while at the same time they provide protection against tooth decay. Crowns are usually made of high-quality, tooth-coloured porcelain that looks just like your natural teeth.

Another option you can consider for tooth replacement is a bridge. Traditional bridges are very sturdy, hard-wearing and rest on your neighbouring teeth for support. It consists of a metal bases that’s attached to the teeth and gums, topped by high-quality porcelain crowns that look like your natural teeth. In some cases, your dentist may add a bit of porcelain to the base of the bridge to make it look more natural.

Bridges helps to strengthen the prepared teeth and restore chewing and eating power, because they are permanently fixed to your mouth.

Crowns & Bridges

Losing a tooth can be an upsetting experience. Decay, injury and accident can all result in lost or extensively damaged teeth, and we know just how distressing this can be. That’s why at Wimbledon Dental Care we are confident we can help you to get your smile back.

One of the most common restorations for extensively damaged or broken teeth is a dental crown.

dental crownsDental crowns are carefully made to fit perfectly on top of a tooth that has been weakened by decay, has a very large filling or has been broken as the result of an accident. If you need root canal treatment to clear out infection in a tooth root you will also need a crown to give your tooth added strength.

Crowns are made of natural, tooth-coloured material, so they will blend in seamlessly with the shade of your teeth. To have a crown fitted, your dentist will need to prepare your tooth so that the crown will fit precisely. After they have done this they will take an impression of your tooth and send it off to our laboratory for your crown to be made. You may have a temporary crown fitted until your permanent one is ready.

We also recommend crowns to replace old, discoloured fillings in some cases, while if you have a dental bridge or denture your dentist may also use a crown on surrounding teeth to support it. Crowns are strong and durable and will enable you to bite and chew as normal.

If you’ve lost a tooth, your dentist may recommend a dental bridge to replace it. Bridges comprise a false tooth with either crowns or wings attached to adjacent teeth to support it. Usually, bridges are made of a precious metal base, which makes them hard-wearing and durable. For teeth near the front of the mouth porcelain may be added to the base for a more natural appearance.

You will need at least two appointments to have a bridge fitted; at the first your teeth will be prepared and impressions taken, and at the second your bridge will be carefully checked and fitted.

For patients who have several missing teeth, bridges may also be secured in place by dental implants.