What are the advantages to choosing crowns and bridges?

When it comes to prescribing suitable dental solutions such as crowns and bridges Wimbledon to solve damaged or missing teeth issues, we at Wimbledon Dental Care factor in your needs, goals and concerns.


Two teeth restoration treatments – crowns and bridges Wimbledon have long stood the test of time to prove themselves reliable tooth restoration solutions that give patients back the practicalities of a fully functioning mouth, as well as other desirables such as improved confidence when engaging with others. Many of our patients who have received crowns and bridges Wimbledon have seen their quality of living greatly improved. They are once again able to enjoy eating out with others, having more teeth allows them to enjoy all their much-loved foods and smiling wide infectious smiles triggers the happiness effect.

We take a closer look at some of the advantages of these tooth restoration solutions so you can best understand why they are still relied on by dental practitioners to serve patients’ needs.

Factors that promote dental crowns as a viable solution

Natural tooth-like appearance

Where possible the option to choose a tooth restoration solution that closely resembles the look of natural teeth will make for a better choice. And thanks to the availability of dental crowns the natural look is easily achieved.

A look at the design of dental crowns shows how this is possible – the crown or cap as it is also known fits securely over the tooth, hiding its imperfections. This design allows crowns to be used for a variety of dental issues including tooth discolouration and fractured teeth, as well as used to secure bridges and dentures.

Durable design

The durability of a dental crown promotes its favourability with dental practitioners and patients alike. Provided that they take good care of them, crowns save patients money by not having to be replaced every so often.

The protective nature of crowns

Seeing that dental caps fit securely over the tooth, there is less likelihood of the tooth being vulnerable to plaque. In addition to this, damaged teeth that have crowns placed over them are protected from further damage.

Factors that promote dental bridges as a viable solution

Versatile tooth restoration solution

For patients who have a greater number of missing teeth, a dental bridge may be a better solution to restore their oral health. Bridges can also be used to replace a missing single tooth.

Improves speech function

Next to enabling patients to bite and chew, a bridge can also aid in a patient speaking with confidence.

Solid structure

Structural integrity is a common concern for patients looking to tooth restoration solutions. The last thing they want is for their dental device to move about in their mouths, which is why the solid structure of dental bridges helps to avoid this concern.

For a dental team where the patient care is placed at the centre of a quality dental experience, look to Wimbledon Dental Care. Our patients can expect to receive dental care plans that are easily understood. We take great care to focus on patient involvement in choosing the best treatment plan that they are comfortable with and this philosophy, together with our commitment to delivering outstanding customer service, is what we believe sets us apart in the industry.