Patients with Sensitive Teeth

Many patients walk through our doors complaining of sensitive teeth. It’s a very common problem and can make you miserable, as it’s difficult to enjoy many foods and drinks when your teeth are affected by temperature.

You might find yourself leaving your cup of tea until it’s lukewarm because otherwise you’ll get a shooting pain through your teeth, or avoiding popular summer treats such as ice cream because it’s just too painful to eat. Even biting into something healthy, a fresh, cold, apple, for example, might be impossible.

The good news is you are not alone, and there is help available. We’ve helped lots of patients with sensitivity issues and we know how unhappy it can make you.

The most important thing when treating sensitive teeth is to find the root cause. The market is flooded with products that claim to cure tooth sensitivity, but in many cases such products treat only the symptoms, rather than the underlying reasons for your sensitivity. Sensitive teeth toothpaste may help initially, but when you switch back to standard toothpaste you may find your sensitivity returns.

As dentists, we are committed to finding out what is causing any oral health problems you may have, not just alleviating the symptoms. Once we’ve worked out what’s causing your sensitive teeth, we can treat it accordingly.

One of the most common causes of tooth sensitivity is enamel erosion, which can be caused by a diet rich in acidic or sugary foods and drinks. Incorrect or over-vigorous brushing can also damage tooth enamel, exposing the sensitive dentine beneath.

Your dentist or hygienist can help with dietary advice and can also show you the best way to brush your teeth, removing plaque but leaving the enamel intact. They can also advise you on the best type of toothbrush and toothpaste to use.

Enamel erosion may also be caused by night-time tooth grinding or by certain medical conditions, particularly eating disorders. By establishing the cause of your sensitivity, we are better-placed to treat it effectively.