
If you’re thinking about having a smile makeover this Spring, you may worry that treatment will be long and invasive. Every cosmetic procedure is different just like every patient’s needs are different, but the good news is, in many cases, fixing your smile can often be much quicker, easier and gentler than many patients imagine.

veneersWe’ve found that dental veneers are the perfect way to correct those misaligned, worn or badly-stained teeth that make you self-conscious about smiling in many cases. Dental veneers provide a dramatic smile makeover, so it’s hard to believe that treatment is not only exceptionally quick, but also minimally invasive.

Veneers are very thin shells of porcelain that are custom-made to fit over the surface of your teeth. They are bonded in place with special, strong dental adhesive, and can be used for a single tooth that is broken, dark or stained, or a full set – between six and eight veneers, in most cases – can be placed over your front teeth for a complete smile makeover.

If you have teeth that are chipped, crooked or worn, you have irregular gaps between them, or have stains that cannot be removed by teeth whitening treatment, you may find your self-esteem if negatively affected. However, you may not want a major cosmetic dental procedure.

One of the biggest benefits of dental veneers is that they preserve as much of the natural tooth as possible. There is no need for extensive preparatory work, unlike with other treatments such as cosmetic crowns, and you could have a brand new, beautiful smile in just two appointments. They also look amazing and incredibly natural.

If you’re unhappy with your smile, we’ll see you for a smile makeover consultation. Each face is individual so the best treatment will differ from patient to patient. If we agree on veneers, we’ll take impressions of your teeth so that our skilled technicians can create the perfect set for you. We’ll fit them at your second appointment – it really is that quick and easy!